Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Research Institute keeps track of market fluctuations in the J-REIT sector, and publishes the SMTRI J-REIT Index®. The index is a composite of all the J-REIT issues, and calculates the accumulated daily rate of returns since September 10, 2001.
- SMTRI J-REIT Index® is the market capitalization-weighted index which is calculated based on all listed J-REIT since September 10, 2001, the date of the first listing of J-REIT issue on Tokyo Stock Exchange. SMTRI J-REIT Index series are calculated by accumulating daily capitalization weighted returns, which provides price return, total return, as well as the expected dividend yield, it enables easily to compare J-REIT performance with other REITs and stock indices.
- Since October 2004, the data and figures of SMTRI J-REIT Index have been uploaded on Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Research Institute website.
*STBRI J-REIT Index changed its name to SMTRI J-REIT Index®, due to change of the corporate name since April, 2012.
Index data
[ updated March 3, 2025 ]
- Updated data (index values from September 10, 2001 until the end of the month two months ago) is released on the first business day of each month.
- In addition to the Composite Index, which covers all J-REIT issues listed in Japan, subindexes are calculated for individual sectors such as Office, Residential, Retail, Industrial, Hotel, Health Care properties, and also provide Diversified Index. This makes it easy to analyze the optimal allocation of a real-estate investment portfolio and to assess performance. These can be used as benchmarks suited to diversification of the investment strategies used by institutional investors. Index figures and calculation methods are covered below.
- SMTRI J-REIT Index® data [end of January 2025] (EXCEL:1.9MB)
- SMTRI J-REIT Index® Constituents [end of January 2025] (PDF:81KB)
- SMTRI J-REIT Index® Calculation methods (PDF:213KB)
Notes on usage
- SMTRI J-REIT Index® is a brand name officially registered by Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Research Institute Co., Ltd.
- SMTRI J-REIT Index is a J-REIT index developed independently by Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Research Institute. It is the intellectual property of Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Research Institute, and all rights related to matters such as SMTRI J-REIT Index calculation, release of figures, and use belong to Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Research Institute.
- Before using SMTRI J-REIT Index for purposes such as the provision of information or the composition of financial instruments, please direct any inquiries concerning consent procedures and other matters to the department in charge indicated below. When SMTRI J-REIT Index is used strictly for one's own research purposes, without indicating or providing such information to third parties, such inquiry is not necessary.
- The intention of Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Research Institute is to provide SMTRI J-REIT Index information only to users of this information. This information is not provided for purposes such as application for, inducement of, or intermediation in sales or other transactions involving products, services, or rights, including financial instruments.
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- Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Research Institute shall not be responsible for any losses or damages incurred by users of this information for reasons such as the updating of, the making of additions to, or the revision or deletion in whole or in part of the content of this information, or the suspension or termination of the provision of this information.
- Under no circumstances does Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Research Institute guarantee the accuracy of SMTRI J-REIT Index information, and Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Research Institute shall not be liable for any errors in the figures used in the calculation of SMTRI J-REIT Index.